Saturday, May 12, 2007

New Addition to the Family

We (and by we, I mean I) have made a new addition to our family. Please welcome Jeeves. Jeeves is our new bellhop-dog. Not only does Jeeves welcome visitors instead of barking at them, he gladly holds keys and leashes in a most convenient spot next to the front door. We're also teaching him how to take people's coats. This is not going so well, but fortunately for us, this does not come up very often in Phoenix.

If you are interested in a bellhop-dog, check out Bombay Co.


Nino Davi said...

Congrats on the new house. Personally I will be saving up for the monkey butler

Stephen Kuenzli said...

The monkey butler is pretty sweet. I also like the penguin butler and the toilet frog butler (functional!).