Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Bernanke Re-Confirmation in Jeopardy: Contact Your Senator

The re-confirmation of Ben Bernanke as Chairman of the Federal Reserve appears to be in jeopardy. A month ago, it appeared to be a foregone conclusion that Bernanke would continue on as Chairman. Now, it appears some are looking at his record at the Fed and have determined that continuing with Bernanke while expecting different results might be the definition of insanity.

If you have an opinion one way or the other, call or e-mail your Senator and let them know.

If you oppose Bernanke's re-confirmation, but you're not sure what to say, you might start with:
Dear Senator [so-and-so],
I am a resident of [City, State] and ask that you please oppose the re-confirmation of Ben Bernanke for Federal Reserve Chairman. Bernanke has proven he cannot fulfill the Federal Reserve's dual mandate of price stability and full employment and thus has shown he is not qualified to serve a second term as Chairman.
The vote for cloture (to end a filibuster blocking a vote on his re-confirmation) looks to be close right now, so your input may make a difference if your Senators have not decided yet.