Thursday, April 19, 2007

ClearCase is Dead! Long Live Subversion!

I finally met my limit with ClearCase at work today and migrated to Subversion.

I originally thought this migration would cost me about 3 days. It actually only cost me about 3 hours. Many thanks to the "One-Click" Subversion Installer.

Open Source Rocks.

I quite like Subversion so far.


Nino Davi said...

When you say migrate, did you actually move Clearcase files (with history and tag information) to Subversion?

Stephen Kuenzli said...

No, I just took the latest content of my ClearCase view and imported that into Subversion. I did not try to import any data related to baselines. Of course, there may be a tool for performing a ClearCase to Subversion migration, but I kind of doubt it. When my project is "done", I will probably do the reverse since ClearCase is the "standard" CM tool at Avnet. However, I'm not sure there's really anyone keeping track of such things and there's lots of people not even using CM at all. In the meantime, I'll be productive.

I did use cvs2svn to migrate the siWiz CVS repository and was mightily impressed. cvs2svn performs all sorts of integrity checking and analysis before migrating your repository -- there is also a "dry-run" mode.